Yesterday, Lily and Andrew tried to ride the Abilene Preservation League's Haunted Trolley Tour. Mommy made reservations for us all ( Olivia, Auntie Marnie, Uncle Toph, Auntie Julia, Uncle Cookie, and James included) for the 7:00 tour. Then we'd come back and eat a hamburger then we'd go tour the "temporarily haunted" Swenson House--a beautiful home on the historic register and owned by the Preservation League. It was a good plan and we were all excited...

...but then:
-a computer glitch caused our trolley to be overbooked
-the next available trolley wasn't until 8:45
-they squeezed us onto the 7:15 even though there weren't enough seats
-the 7:15 broke down 5 times within the first block from the Swenson House, culminating in being stuck halfway into Grape Street
-We had to walk back to Swenson House
-our hamburgers cost considerably more than we expected ($4 each for JUST the burger
-the line for the haunted house was really long and we were still in it at 8:45
-we sent Uncle Cookie to check on our trolley and he found out it wouldn't actually leave till 9:10
-Lily toured the house and it was so cool!! All the ghouls threatened to eat her but she stared them down bravely.
-Andrew & Uncle Cookie went home at 9:00. It was just too much for him without a nap.
-we finally got on the trolley at 9:20!! And had a blast... Until the guide started picking on Lily's buddy James. She cried and the tour-guide stopped just for her. We still don't understand why she would pick on James...

Overall, a stressful but fun evening!