Lily: Mommy! A Slide!
Me: Yep.
Lily: Dinosaur wants to slide.
Me: Really? Is that so?
Lily: Yep. (pause for effect) Lily wants to slide too!
Lily: Dinosaur wants to eat.
Mommy: Really? What does Dinosaur want to eat.
Lily: A hot dog (pronounced dawg). Dinosaur wants a hot dog.
Me: Are you sure Dinosaur wouldn't like to go home for Mac 'n cheese?
Lily: No cheese! Dinosaur wants hot dog (pause for effect) and Lily wants hot dog too.

After much insistence, Dinosaur was given half of Lily's hot dog and a place at the table. We--and Dinosaur--finished our lunch and headed for home.
In the truck I heard:
Lily: Dinosaur wants a cookie.
Me: ::sigh:: I'm noticing a pattern here.