Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ding!! LVL 1!!!

It's scary...quite scary. Lily is, in fact, more than one year old. I am no longer the father of an infant. I am the father of a toddler. Both of which is far less scary than the future: being the father of a teenager.

Anyway, enough lamenting. For her birthday, Lily made a trip up to the family cabin with Mommy, Daddy, Aunts Marnie, Kayla, and Melissa, Uncles Chris and Toph, Grandma, Grandpa, and Great Grandma and Grandpa C.

(Quick note: Since this post is longer than most, I made the pictures smaller. You can always click on a picture to see it full size)

Like any good birthday, there was cake. Lily's first cake was a series of cupcakes, in the shape of a caterpillar. Here is Lily with her cake and presents:

The cake was decorated and signed by family:

Before presents, Lily got to take the first taste of her cake:

Needless to say, she enjoyed it:

Then on to opening presents:


Then, naturally, one must play with all of them at once:

Also, during the weekend, it was a good time to get outdoors and go for a walk:


And play in the stream some:

And finally, pose for a lot of pictures. This one, specifically, contains four generations: Grandma, my father, myself, and of course Lily.

Overall, it was an incredible weekend. It was great to see family and share Lily's first birthday with them.

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