Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Truth in the Tinsel, Day 1: Light

Auntie Melissa discovered this really cool advent project called Truth in the Tinsel, where the kids get to read a different passage of the bible each day and make a corresponding Christmas ornament. We both decided to do it with the kids this year and see how it goes. She plans on doing the project each day with Taevin, while our schedule only allows for about 13 days, days give or take 1.

I'm really excited about doing something different in addition to the Sing Spell Read and Write color unit we've been doing (this is week 9 of 11), and also about having a scheduled craft for each day. I feel like we don't do nearly enough organized art around here.

Also, it's a personal goal of mine to only use things from around the house for this project. Today's craft: leftover black card stock from an art project my junior year of college, tissue paper from Lily's baby shower, and craft paper I bought at the after Christmas sale while terribly hormonal having just found out I was pregnant with Lily. Apparently, hormones can convince me I like scrap booking.

Yesterday, we made pretty paper chain garlands to hang our ornaments from and today we made our first ornament: a silhouette of a candle representing Jesus as the light of the world (text: Isaiah 9:2-8). Today's verse was boring for 3-year-olds, but they LOVED the craft and they turned out SO CUTE!


  1. They look awesome!!! Taevin has been really enjoying doing the crafts too.

  2. What a neat idea! I love Lily's cheesy grin.
